Bui Vien

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Surf Ridin' In Baler

Since surfing is becoming so popular here in the Philippines, I decided to give it a try. I was a little hesitant to ask my partner to surf in Baler, because he has a big tummy and I thought he wouldn't be able to carry his weight on the surfboard. He proved me wrong! GETTING THERE There's an executive coach bus called Genesis Joy Bus that goes directly to Baler and it'll only take 5 hours of travel. BUT, you have to reserve...

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Manila: Partying The "Pubcrawl" Style

I have heard of Manila Pubcrawl through my blogger-friend Lois who had so much fun attending this party. So when I had the chance to join this party without spending any bucks, I immediately grabbed the opportunity. All I have to do was to follow the mechanics in Lois' post, and then the Pubcrawl people will randomly choose 3 winners in Facebook and Solesisters. Tadaa! I was picked and got a free pass to this party! FREE! (I just saved...

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Backpacker's Guide to Alona Beach, Panglao Island, Bohol

Alona Beach is located in Panglao Island, south-western part of Bohol. One reason why I got so attracted to this place is because of it's powdery-white sand.  GOING THERE inside the Weesam express ferry Anyway, at around 8:30AM, we rode a cab in Fuente Circle (Cebu) en route to Pier 4. When we got there, we saw Supercat ticketing office pero we decided to buy at Weesam Express (a few blocks away from Supercat). The next trip...